COVID Safety Protocols

Your Safety is Our Priority

River’s Rest Marina & Resort has established a safety committee to ensure updated information and guidelines are communicated and safety procedures are followed.

Enhanced Cleaning protocols and Safe Stay Standards as defined by the American Hotel and Lodging Association have been implemented and maintained in all areas of the hotel. All River’s Rest Employees have received a certificate of completion of general training by the AHLA of the updated protocols and standards.

The workplace has been assessed for hazards and job tasks that could potentially expose employees to COVID-19. River’s Rest has classified each job task according to the hazards employees are potentially exposed to and ensured compliance with the applicable sections of the Emergency Temporary Standard by the Dept of Labor and Industry.

A system for employee self-assessment and screening for COVID-19 signs and symptoms has been established and implemented.

Flexible sick leave policies, telework, staggered shifts, and other administrative/work practice controls are applied when feasible to reduce or eliminate contact with others inside six feet. Employees are encouraged to report symptoms by ensuring they are aware of any company sick leave policies and alternative working arrangements, as well as the paid sick leave.

River’s Rest Marina & Resort has established and implemented procedures that will prevent sick employees and other persons from infecting healthy employees and guests:

-Implementing work practice controls that eliminate or significantly reduce employee and guest exposure to the COVID-19 virus.

-Ensuring that employees observe physical distancing while on the job and during paid breaks.

-Requiring employees to comply with the safety and health practices outlined in the ETS related to protective gear, sanitation, disinfection, and handwashing.

-Providing personal protective equipment to employees and ensuring its proper use.

River’s Rest Marina & Resort has established and implemented procedures to ensure employees exposed to and known or suspected of having COVID-19 do not come to work, as well as procedures for them to return to work.

-Prohibiting employees known or suspected of exposure to or having COVID-19 from reporting to work until they have been cleared to return through either a symptom-based or test-based strategy.

River’s Rest has established and implemented a system for notifying employees, building owners, and other employers of workplace exposures to the virus and suspected or confirmed cases so that they can take personal actions to protect their health and safety.

River’s Rest Marina & Resort has prepared an Infectious Disease Preparedness and Response Plan and trained employees on the practices. Our first and foremost priority is to protect our employees and guests during this challenging time.